Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New! DIY Feng Shui Kits

It began as an idea, as all good things do.  It really stumped me that there was no one-stop shop for the feng shui cures that I was giving my clients.  So I thought:  I should make a kit.  So I did!

It's had many evolutions and here it is (on the shelves in a recent test run in a local store) -- in today's version:

A kit full of fun goodies that will have you giddy and ready to implement feng shui easily and effortlessly in your life!

Here's what the label on the back of the box says:

Feng shui specialist Katie Rogers brings the ancient Chinese art and science of feng shui straight to your home with this fun, eco-friendly, Do-It-Yourself Feng Shui Kit [DIY FSK]. 

Feng shui has the power to improve your life in all areas, including health, love, money, creativity, and career.  The simple yet effective “cures” included in this kit are:

·       The DIY FSK User Guide by Katie Rogers
·       White Sage Smudge Stick to cleanse negativity
·       Round-faceted Crystal for balance & harmony
·       Wish-Come-True Box by Bluedogz Design
·       Good Energy Spray to revitalize your home & office
·       Good Intention Candle
·       Red Ribbon Cures for prosperity
·       Bonus Feng Shui Tips*

And here are some photos of what's inside.  Ensured to bring smiles and good fortune!
white sage smudge stick

crystal in red velvet pouch

candle inside cute little box

smells great!
And my favorite!  A Mini Ribbon Box designed by Nadine Lerner of Bluedogz Design that I've dubbed as the Wish-Come-True Box.  (P.S. There's a surprise inside!)

And yes, it has appeared in InStyle Magazine.

wishes come true with this box!
And of course, there are instructions on how to put these and the other cures to use!

I'm really excited for these kits.  I've set the intention that they find great homes and bring great energy to whomever receives them.

I'm selling them for $34.99 which is a DEAL!  If you order more than 4, you will get 10% off total price.

Order from me directly.  Email katierogersfengshui@gmail.com with your name, quantity, shipping addresses, etc.  I am going the old-fashioned way so you'll have to send me a check when I get the total to you.  Supply is limited, so hurry!

Happy Holidays!  I hope I can make yours brighter!

festive red door (from pinchomez.com)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Roll Tide!

My parents both attended the University of Alabama.  In fact, they met there on a blind date.  Therefore, I was raised as an Alabama fan.

There is a certain percentage of the world that knows what that means -- "to be raised as an Alabama fan."  Most of them live in the state of Alabama, but not all of them.

It means:  although I attended a different university, Roll Tide Roll is in my blood.

My grandfather used to take people by the busloads (literally) to the games to tailgate, including we children on occasion.  Our pantry held some very special Coca-Cola bottles that were never to be touched because Bear Bryant's picture appeared on them.  Pompoms of red and white were part of our toy collection.   And it was really fun to see my father on TV when he had his stint as President of the Mobile chapter of the Alabama Alumni Association.  And I despised the colors orange and blue.

However, I admit it.  I forgot all about football while living out west.  I'm a chameleon of culture this way, and because of this trait, it's also the reason why I've become a re-born Alabama fan after having moved back to my home state.

To celebrate this re-sparked passion for my parents' alma mater, and because I had a wild hair the weekend of November 5th, I strapped a boxed 4 x 4 foot canvas to the top of my car and drove over to Tuscaloosa to carry out my vision.

I wanted to paint.  I wanted to paint big.  I wanted to paint Big Al.  And I wanted to do it in the middle of the action.  So I found a corner near the stadium, set up my oversized easel, squeezed some reds and silvers and whites onto my palette, and I went to work.

almost done

It was such a blast!  Alabama fans of all ages approached me to comment on the painting.  The cop who was tending to this particular corner happened to have a camera, and he was very accommodating to my artistic endeavor, to my relief.

good cop

Oh, and in case you missed it, that LSU/Alabama game on November 5th was dubbed "the game of the century."  Of course, the ending was not so happy, but this is why the "re-match" on January 9th is going to be one heck of a game!

As for the painting, I had several offers that day, but the painting has yet to find a home.  (It may have had something to do with folks not wanting to carry a huge canvas INTO the game.)

Christmas gift, anyone?