Thursday, June 23, 2011

Romance and Feng Shui

You gotta love love.  Right? 

In feng shui, there are areas of your home that “match up” to areas of your life.  This is the Ba Gua map.  

You lay it over your floorplan, lining the bottom of it with the wall that aligns to the front door (i.e. in most homes, you will either walk into the Knowledge, Career, or Helpful People guas).  Considering your home isn’t missing any sections, you can find out where your Romance section is, Money section, Career section, etc.

Therefore, if you are standing at the front door, your Romance (Relationship) section is the back right section of your home.

According to feng shui, what is happening in your home in each section is affecting that part of your life.  For example, say your bedroom is there, and it is sweet and romantic.  Then most likely, you are in or will attract a healthy balanced relationship.  However, if there is a closet full of items that you've kept from all your exes, you may want to consider cleaning it out!   

It’s a good idea to put “cures” in place to help with that area of your life.  In the Romance section, color-wise, red, pink, and white work well.  Earth is the ruling element here, so muted tones work too.  (i.e. beige, terracotta, even brick red.  Yellow is also okay because it represents Earth.)   

It’s a big no-no to have anything glaringly single there.  Best to have things in pairs!  Or photos of you and your honey.  Or paintings that depict a romantic scene.

A client of mine wanted to spiff up her Romance section in order to attract love into her life, so she went hunting for something to hang above the door of her kitchen, where her Romance section happens to be.  Here’s what she found:   

Very nice in that it’s a pair, it’s pink and earthy tones, it’s of the Earth element (clay), and they are squares, which also symbolize Earth.  

She did land a hot date (that turned into a hot weekend) very shortly after hanging these!  The key, too, is intention!  Now that these are in place, her subconscious must oblige and send out signals to all the single honeys out there.

However, she wants to get hitched.  Time will tell of course, but a good feng shui consultant cannot ignore what was going on in another pic she sent....

Let's take a closer look:

Yes, she's got a pair, but that lone apron sure does sing out SINGLE!  I like to play it safe with these sort of things.  How about a His and Hers apron?  Or put that thing in a drawer!  I mean, why risk it?

When I alerted her of this, she responded good-humoredly in an email:  "Hahaha!  That f***ing apron is now hidden away in a drawer. :-) I had to laugh. As soon as you pointed it out, it was obvious. And ironically, now that it's gone, I actually think that pantry door looks cleaner and less cluttered." 

Makes you wonder -- what is perhaps going on in your home that is affecting your life?  Feng shui is AMAZING in that it can help you unblock and move forward....  and it could be a simple as putting an apron in a drawer.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Skin Regime Experiment on Ritalin? (or needs to be)

Following up on my March blog --  Skin Care Regime Experiment #1 -- (which is now a combined 2,3, 4, and 5 all in one):

The olive oil was not so great.  I mean, it was fine…but fine is not okay with me.  I used it for at least three weeks, so that’s better than nothing.  It wasn’t doing anything bad, but I want something that does good. 

So I switched to coconut oil....(because I read something like this.)  

Straight up.  And because I LOVE coconut water like a fiend (and lotion and candles and smell and cookies and milk).   I even put a glob (because it's globby, not liquidy) of it in a little tin to leave in my bathroom rather than my kitchen cabinet (Major Tangent: coconut oil is to die for as a substitute in brownie mixes and instead of butter for pancakes and French toast.  And to sauté many different veggies.  FYI.  And it’s good for you too).  The coconut-oil-face-treatment-created-by-moi lasted about 4 days.  In truth – and this is in no way scientific -- it was doing less than the olive oil.

Dear Reader, I need to give an overview.  I ain’t 21 years old, Folks.  But I ain’t 50.  And I’m not so into botox, although I must say, I know some folks that use it, and it definitely takes ten years off.  I, personally, would rather not go there, because I have strange luck with those sort of things, and I have a fear of my face --- never – moving – again – ever. 

After the coconut oil attempt, I had some samples of some really nice stuff by Ole Henriksen, and I thought, what the heck.  

This stuff was nice!  I almost went and bought it, but I never got around to it.  Which only tells me and you that it really was just “nice,” and well, if I’m going to spend a few bucks, I’d rather it be effing amazing. 

I sort of gave up after that, y’all.  I went back to my ol’ Alba from Whole Foods.  I just sort of settled.  I'm really wanting natural, eco-goodness is all.  

The Alba cream actually worked really well when I lived in LA --  but Alabama skin and LA skin differ in the humidity department, and sorry, Whole Foods, but I’m going to be taking it back…

…and exchanging it for this:

…because I was in LA this past weekend and having a delicious brunch (with flakey service but who’s counting?) at the fairly-new Sauce on a side street on the cusp of Venice and Santa Monica (my old hood – love you) with two of my dearest girlies when one of them asked the other what skin care product she used, because hell, this one friend of mine has flawless skin. 

I spoke up, with cilantro/avocado/eggs in my mouth:  “It’s her genes.” 

But the other friend insisted on knowing what she used, because even if it’s genes, everyone uses something unless they are 17 years old. 

Surprisingly, the answer was the above-product mentioned.  My friend had heard about it from another woman I know, who also has flawless skin.  The catch is, it’s a hand cream that they use on their face.  And you buy it at Whole Foods.  Sixteen little dollars.  Eat that, Carita! 

I’m buying it tomorrow.  I’m giving it a few weeks.  I'm hoping it's one of those things where you give up looking, and walahhh, the perfect thing appears.  Can it breeze through the humidity test?  Can it give me genes that I only wish I had been born with?   Can it blow the tox off of botox, leaving only beau?  

Stay tuned...